GN Branch Company Introduction

With the fast development of GN Solids Control Company, GN has established one American branch company which name is GN Solids America right in Houston, TX. Besides, GN is busying with opening another branch company in Moscow, Russia. GN believe that by establish these two branch companies and some other branches are also prepared to open in the next few years, GN will experience a much faster growth and service more clients with excellent equipments.

As different regions or countries might have different ways to make business, GN has taken some necessary things into consideration. Just take GN Solids America(website: as an example, considering the local culture and language difference, GN is hiring local employees working in Houston office. And GN also sent engineers to American for technical help and good service.

It is quite common that many companies in America are willing to rent some equipment and use them for a while. So GN is start doing rental business for solids control equipments and waste management systems. All of these equipments are hotly welcomed by local customers.

As more and more customers come to GN Solids America and ask for solids control equipments and some other equipments for renting, GN are attaching more and more attentions on reasonable storage. In the second half year of 2014, many GN equipments such as shale shakers, decanter centrifuges, mud cleaners etc having been sent to Houston warehouse.

GN also pays plenty of attention to storage spare parts for emergency use. Shaker screens will be sent to America and be kept in a fixed number. Today, GN just arranged to sent 11 wood pallets which are full of spare parts and consumable parts, such as springs used on shake shaker, cyclones used on mud cleaner, differential mechanisms used on decanter centrifuge, and motor on cuttings dryer etc.

We believe that GN will devote to develop the American market based in Houston, and some sub branch companies might be established in the America in the next few years.  

Solids Dewatering Centrifuge in Houston

GN solids America manufacture solids dewatering centrifuge/ barite recovery centrifuge in Houston, TX in 3 sizes, 14inch, 18inch and 22 inch. We provide both sales and rental service in the States, welcome to contact GN sales by 713 320 3868 and 713 878 0880 for more details.

Whatever you are working with mud/drilling fluids/drilling waste water, there will always be a proper model of GN decanter centrifuge for your best choice. We will choose the correct model based on your customized project. For example, recently we have 2 new designed dewatering system, one is for Asia client, combined the solids control system and dewatering system together, the dewatering system with dewatering centrifuge 22 inch bowl are fixed inside a 40ft container for easy move and prevent of powders.The other one is dewatering system with 2 units of GNLW454VFD centrifuge, feeding pumps and frame. Such design is because of the treating capacity the client required.

The most popular dewatering centrifuge among all GN equipments are GNLW553VFD decanter centrifuge, this is the biggest model we produced with 22 inch centrifuge bowl. This centrifuge has been field proved in many countries like Nigeria, Russia, Turkey and middle east countries, it is widely used for dewatering unit, solids control system, drilling waste management system, dredging slurry separation, tank bottom cleaning or mud pit cleaning. The normal or typical treating capacity of this centrifuge is 90m3/h with typical G force 1888G and typical working speed 2500rpm. The separation size of this centrifuge is 2~5 microns.

GN solids America, which acts as the sales office and warehouse of one of the top solids control equipments manufactures in China-GN solids control, ever have this big bowl centrifuge in stock in our Houston warehouse, which is already sold after attending the OTC. Recently we will have new GNLW553VFD centrifuge in stock, welcome to visit and check its performance to our office.

Drilling cuttings decanter centrifuge in the jobsite

GN solids control already sold over 250 units drilling cuttings decanter centrifuge in the world, below is a photo of GNLW363VFD decanter centrifuge in the jobsite.

Besides of decanter centrifuge, this client also used our screw conveyor to collect the drilling cuttings and transfer them. Screw conveyor is specially used for drilling cuttings transferring in the drilling waste management system, especially for the drilling cuttings with less fluids, the performance of transfer is proved better than other transferring methods.

The most essential factors of the screw conveyor quality is the bearings and screw propeller, it is often used horizontally or at a slight incline to transfer the materials. GN always choose world famous brand bearings for such essential components, and we provide various options of screw material as customer’s requirement, also the screw conveyor length could be customized,we have various sections with each section 12ft length.

Normally our client will make a high and adjustable frame locally for their only project, then they will put our decanter centrifuge on the frame. Our decanter centrifuge can be used as the applications below:

1 water based drilling fluids dewatering centrifuge

2 barite recovery decanter centrifuge in solids control system

3 decanter centrifuge for high gravity and low gravity solids

4 drilling cuttings treatment system

5 waste water treatment

The most important issue in the jobsite operation is maintenance, with good and proper maintenance, the decanter centrifuge can work very well. Below is the instructions should be paid more attention for the centrifuge operation.

1 cleaning after every time operation by water or drilling fluids

2 lubrication according to GN recommend lubrication chart

3 tighten the safety guard belt before shipment, and remove it before start

GN professional engineer will fly to your jobsite to trainer your operator and help for first time commissioning service.

10 shale shaker, 3 units of mud cleaners shipped from GN Solids America

This week GN Solids America( based in 6710 windfern road, Houston, TX77040) shipped 10 shale shakers, 3 units of mud cleaners to our oil drilling solids control client. This is his repeat orders.

Right now we have 4 shale shakers and 1 mud cleaner in stock for sale, welcome to call GN solids America sales for the price offer.

Applications of GN shale shaker GNZS594:

1 as the first phase cleaning solids control equipment in the drilling rig solids control system

2 as hi-G dryer shaker in water based cuttings treatment system

3 as dewatering shakers to separate big solids before decanter centrifuge in the dewatering system

4 as shale shakers to separate big solids and less solids content before GN middle speed decanter centrifuge in barite recovery system

5 as 1st step mud cleaning equipment in HDD/CBM/ Geothermal drilling mud recycling system

6 as the underflow shale shaker of mud cleaner

7 as part of the bored pile desander unit

Application of GN mud cleaner GNZJ594-2S12N:

1 as the 2nd and 3rd phase cleaning equipment in oilfield solids control system

2 as bored piles desander unit

3 as part of waste water treatment system

4 as ideal equipment to separate solids from fluids for most industries

GN solids control has shaker screens in stock in our Houston warehouse, the API mesh size from API60 to API230. Also for the normal spare parts, like wedges, springs, vibration damps, bearings, oil seal, electric motors, gear box and other parts are all in stock for immediate shipment.

Except for shale shaker and mud cleaners, we also have mud mixer, hopper, centrifugal pump, mud gun, shear pump in stock, welcome to visit us.

Also we provide customized design mud tank system for your particular project, like waste oil recovery, barite recovery, drilling fluids recycling, bored piles, tunneling, etc.

Crude oil tank bottom cleaning equipments in Houston

The purpose of cleaning crude oil tank bottom:

1 recovery of more valued hydrocarbon

2 reduce hazardous waste generated from tank bottoms, to meet the environmental protection regulations acted by the government.

3 improve the cleanness of crude oil in the production process

4 eliminate hazardous-waste handling costs

Normally there are 2 ways for the oil tank bottom cleaning process:

1 Mechanical cleaning way

2 Chemical cleaning way, this is an efficient way for tank bottom cleaning, but not so easy

Here we will briefly introduce the equipments used for oil tank bottom cleaning by mechanical ways.

Traditionally the most difficult thing by mechanical way is how to remove the oil sludge out from the tank bottom. And you have to solve the problem of non-fluidity sludge, usually the tank bottom sludge is composed of water, oil and solids, the purpose is to have fluids and solids separated, then use oil-water-separation system to get clean oil and non-hazardous water, the solids also should be nonhazardous solids.

But the mechanical way is hardly reaching the ideal result- clean water, oil and clean solids. There might be some oily soil remained in the water and oil remained in the solids, which caused you can not discharge them directly to the environment, but the further more treatment may lead higher cost.

High speed , high-G force Decanter centrifuge is widely used for tank bottom cleaning process, GN solids America has various sizes of decanter centrifuge in Houston warehouse for sale. We have 3 series models of centrifuges, GNLW363 series( 14 inch dia bowl), GNLW453 series( 18 inch dia bowl), GNLW553 series( 22 inch bowl), welcome to call 713 320 3868 for more parameters.

Fluids collection box or mobile oil sludge storage tank is also used in such mechnical process.

To avoild of more tank bottom sludge, a better agitating system should be applied during storage of crude oil.

Cómo obtener el mejor rendimiento de VFD decantador centrífuga

GN VFD centrífugaestá hecha y diseñada para el control de sólidos del lodo y la gestión de residuos de perforación.

Hay 4 parámetros se pueden cambiar en GN VFD decantador centrífuga:

1) Velocidad del tazón: Más velocidad, fluidos más limpios, y en consecuencia, sólidos más secadora.

2) Velocidad del transportador: Más velocidad transportadora, el material de centrífuga de empuje más rápido, significa menos tiempo para la separación, más sólidos en líquidos.

3) Altura fluidos a gran final centrífuga (el lado del motor): Ahora que ya es la mayor profundidad. Cuanto mayor sea el nivel de los fluidos, más limpio de los fluidos.

4) Caudal de la bomba: según material de tratamiento diferente y diverso cliente desee rendimiento, capacidad diferente.

Centrífuga operador puede seguir los pasos siguientes para averiguar la velocidad del recipiente más adecuado, la velocidad del transportador y bomba de alimentación de flujo para decantador centrífugo en el sitio de trabajo:

Paso 1 averiguar la velocidad del recipiente más adecuado de  VFD decantador centrífuga:

Fija la velocidad de la cinta, fijar el caudal de la bomba, a continuación, aumentar la velocidad de un tazón más y más. Para obtener más velocidad, la fase de fluidos de centrífuga será más limpio. Después de 10 minutos alrededor de marcha normal, tomar la muestra para cada velocidad.

Paso 2 encontrar la mejor velocidad del transportador centrífuga:

Fijar la velocidad de arco como el mismo con el paso 1 se enteró, el mismo caudal de la bomba fija, 10m3 / h. Cambiar la velocidad del transportador de 23rpm, aumentarlo más y más. Para cada velocidad de transportador, después de 10 minutos, tomar muestra.

Paso 3: obtener el mayor caudal de la bomba con el mejor rendimiento de la centrífuga en determinado lugar de trabajo:

Ajuste la velocidad del recipiente más adecuado consiguió desde el paso 1 La velocidad de transporte más adecuado desde el paso 2, aumentar el flujo de la bomba de 5 m3 / h. Aumenta cada vez más, y comparar el rendimiento, para encontrar el rendimiento más adecuado que deseas conseguir.

Cada vez que el material de tratamiento cambia, el operador de centrífuga debe repetir los 3 pasos para descubrir el nuevo ajuste centrífuga adecuada para la nueva condición.

HDD Applications in pipeline project

HDD technology is widely used in nowadays construction of infrastructure. As a leading manufacturer for HDD drilling waste management, GN Solids America would like to share some information on the application of HDD.  The main applications for HDD pipeline projects are under-river crossings, traffic ways crossings, flood protection dams, crossing below foundations of buildings or infrastructure objects, shortenings through topographic obstacles like rock ridges, orthogonal situated hills and rims, non-crossable terrains and for example under-crossings of nature reserves, parks or even hole city areas of mountain zones.

The drilling mud desander for HDD has been divided into 3 fields as below and most of the pipeline is relation to oil and gas pipeline laying, sewer and water transportation.

HDD for under-water crossings

Under water crossings like rivers, canals and lakes which would otherwise require a special construction effort. Under water crossings are particularly advantageous because no special ground water retention is required that necessitates other structural preparation measures. Nowadays, normally all underwater crossings would use the HDD machines. The depths and the length of existing water obstacles, the diameter and weight of the pipe section decide the choice of the HDD machines power class.

HDD for traffic ways crossing

Pipeline has been embedded safely and with stability when undercrossing traffic ways like railway, highways, roads and streets. It is possible to drilling small to large diameter boreholes and keeps these boreholes and the surrounding underground stable during boring. Decanter Centrifuge requires neither manhole have to be built nor groundwater control during the installation.

With HDD through the mountains

When install the new pipe and renew the pipe in hillsides, the using of the trenchless technologies provides beneficial advantages. Such as the cost on walking excavators, safety measures can tremendous reduced. By using the trenchless technologies, the cost is about same as for the bores in flat terrain. Trenchless construction methods offer additional advantages that can have moderating and stabilizing effects on the slopes.

Advantages of HDD applications

The most striking advantages of the application of HDD is the preservation of the traffic ways or ground surface as dynamic supporting structure. The soil natural structure above the pipe installed is completely preserved.

For more information on the application of HDD technologies, welcome contact with GN Solids America who is a leading manufacturer for HDD drilling fluids solids control equipment.

Plataforma de perforación primer sistema de lodo HDD

GN Sólidos de control es mucho más profesional en la fabricación de sistema de lodo HDD. Recientemente nos dieron la orden de compra de Rusia y el usuario final es el contratista HDD con la plataforma de perforación de primera. Ellos quieren que coincida con un pequeño sistema de lodo para reciclar el lodo de perforación con eficacia para ahorrar costes. Después mostramos nuestra lista de proyectos para diferentes usuarios con equipos de perforación Ditch Witch, plataformas de Vermeer, American Augers plataformas, la plataforma de perforación del cliente principal es mucho más impresionante en el sistema de lodo compacto GN.

Sistema de lodo de perforación plataforma

Ahora el sistema de lodo equipo de perforación principal está listo para la entrega. Está equipado con equipos de control de sólidos como abajo:

Una unidad de pequeño tanque de lodo que se puede poner en un envase de 20 pies;

Una unidad de mini-limpiador de lodo con 2 paneles zaranda (GNZS752) y 4 de cada 4 pulgadas conos deslimador; la capacidad de tratamiento es 200gpm.

Una unidad de bomba centrífuga instalada en el tanque de la pendiente para la alimentación de los conos deslimador.

Una unidad de bomba centrífuga instalada en el extremo del tanque de lodo a la mezcla de la tolva.

Una unidad de bomba centrífuga como piezas de repuesto, que se puede sustituir cada uno de la bomba para la alimentación de cono deslimador o para la tolva mezcladora.

una unidad de tolva mezcladora, 4 pulgadas.
Una unidad de panel de control; el usuario sólo tiene que conectar el generador de energía con el panel de control y luego se puede utilizar el sistema de lodo compacto. Si para el generador, puede requerir generador de 100KW. También podemos comprar el generador para el cliente y el partido para ellos.

Inspección del sistema de lodo antes de la entrega

Como GN sede es mucho cerca del aeropuerto internacional de Pekín, le invitamos a nuestro cliente interno / cliente internacional para inspección del equipo antes de la entrega. El cliente puede probar el equipo con agua por sí mismo. Después de que el cliente satisface con la fabricación de equipos y el resultado de la prueba y, a continuación, podemos arreglar el envío.

Dos unidades de la marca nueva centrifugadora en promoción con un 15% de descuento

GN decantador centrífugo se han actualizado desde que comienza el año de 2014.  La centrífuga nueva generación con dos motores en uno de los extremos, más compacto y ofrecer más espacio en la plataforma de la operación. La centrífuga nueva generación es mucho similar con centrífuga marca estadounidense. Por el momento, también tenemos dos nuevas unidades centrífuga marca en promoción con un 15% de descuento. Las dos unidades de 14 pulgadas centrífuga tazón,GNLW363G,  hecho de acuerdo con un nivel alto o de nivel internacional, igual al material de producción centrífuga marca estadounidense.

GN centrífuga GNLW363G es centrífuga de alta velocidad se puede utilizar tanto para el control y la gestión de residuos sólidos. Con su alta velocidad de rotación 3200RPM tazón y 2700 / 2200rpm rotación media velocidad del recipiente, la centrífuga puede separar los sólidos finos y puede ser utilizado para recuperar barita también. Este modelo de máquina es mucho más popular en Oriente Medio, África del Norte, Argentina, Brasil, América del Norte, etc

Lea más sobre los parámetros de la página web GNLW363G GN, mismos parámetros que GNLW363BG:

¿Por qué dos unidades a estrenar de centrífuga en promoción con un 15% de descuento? Generalmente GN Sólidos Control de departamento de producción fabricar centrifugadora por lotes, no órdenes. El año pasado, fabricamos 10 unidades centrífuga como un lote. En este caso, podemos dar una respuesta rápida cuando hay algunos requisitos de usuario final. Sin embargo, cuando actualicemos la centrífuga de segunda generación, encontramos todavía hay 2 unidades a estrenar centrífuga sin el requisito de cliente. Con el fin de vaciar el depósito, la centrífuga tiene que ser manejado por precio más bajo, con un 15% de descuento.

Si usted es cliente de edad que tienen GN ex centrífuga diseño, y quiere comprar más, pls llegar a ponerse en contacto con nosotros. Si usted es cliente nuevo, podemos ofrecer propuesta comercial y técnica, tanto para la centrífuga en dos generaciones. Usted puede comparar por ti mismo y decidir si te gusta el ex centrífuga de diseño con descuento grande.

Drilling Waste Management Package-Cutting Dryer and Centrifuge

Reduced environmental impact and satisfy US compliance regulations

Since regulations on drilling waste materials management become much more stringent workers are in need to have of a reliable waste disposal answer that will guarantees the waste as well as the liability of its effect have passed away for good. The cuttings dryer made by GN Solids America is usually reliable and high settings, with the cuttings dryer the customers can separation the particular solids and liquid quicker than before.

Drilling wastes are conveyed from the geradlinig shale shaker for the cuttings drier. Typical shaker cuttings maintain a liquid content material normally between 11% to 17%. When appropriately managed, GN cutting dryer can reduced the liquid content beneath 5%. This can be accomplished whenever managing 30~50 tons each hour of drilling cuttings.

Going cuttings are fed in the hopper, and distributed across the inner wall in the stainless-steel screen using the rotor. The particular liquid phase, or “filtrate”, passes by means of the display screen openings whilst the up and down scraper with challenging increased chrome alloy material clean the accumulating solids for the bottom in the VCD regarding disposal.

GN Solids America(website: Versatile and Trusted Decanter Centrifuge

The particular drilling fluids from GN vertical cutting dryer will probably be pump to GNLW Decanter Centrifuge by GN50YZ20A-18. GNLW Series decanter centrifuge is usually aiming to get by far one of the most out of one’s “zero-discharge” program, GN field confirmed decanting centrifuges are a perfect choice

GN Mud Agigator may further process the going fluids to reach reduce stage down 2~5 microns. Dish cylindrical and conical area produced from duplex stainless steel 2205 centrifugal casting. Tungsten carbide tiles of screw will offer you longer service and much simpler replacement.

GN drilling waste materials package will offers you greatest alternative for you personally drilling waste. Make contact with GN for the waste materials management project.


Drilling Mud Decanter Centrifuge Lubrication system: