1500HP land drilling rig mud system

1500HP land drilling rig is frequently a oil and gas drilling rig. It’s also referred to as ZJ50 drilling rig. It is a relative important size drilling rig can drill to 5000m depth.
China major Drilling Mud System manufacturer, GN Solids Handle make customized Drilling Mud System for 1500hp land drilling rig. GN can give customized proposal per user? drilling situation and their request about the method.
International standard Drilling Mud System for 1500HP land drilling system
1) Linear motion Shale shaker GNZJ594E, 3 sets, equipped with distribution box to shear the mud equally for the three shakers.
two) Linear motion Mud cleaner GNZJ594E-3S16N, for the second and also the third stage solids handle separation. It is with important beneath flow shale shaker, interchangeable with 1st stage solids handle shale shaker.
three) Vacuum degasser GNZCQ360 right away following shale shaker and before mud cleaner.
4) Middle speed centrifuge for barite recovery. It is actually really the fourth stage separation.
5) Jet mud mixing process
6) Feed pump for desander, desilter, and centrifuge,and GN TBM Slurry Separation System for Tunneling Engineering
7) Shaker tank, centrifuge tank, suction tank, mixing tank, storage tank, and so forth?-
Some client may choose shear pump functioning with each other with mixing pump for shearing chemical substances.
For any other request, customers can contact GN international group for greater answer.

GN solids control vendió 1 conjunto de sistema completo de tanque de lodos para Europa y mallas zarandas para Oriente Medio

Leer más para GN sistema completo de tanque de lodos a Europa: el sistema de lodo completa plataforma de perforación 1000HP con el CE y el certificado Atex.

A excepción de centrífuga decantadora, GN también exportó muchas mallas de zarandas a Arabia Saudita a principios de este año. El cliente compra sobre 1000pcs Derrick  FLC 500 mallas. La mallas zarandas con puntos técnicos claves como abajo:   

Modelo de mallas zarandas:mallas de reemplazo para la marca EE.UU..    Número de malla de zarandas/ API 20 según API 400

Dimensión: 1050mm de largo y 695mm de ancho

    Material de la producción: SS304 o SS316L para la pantalla y el acero al carbono para el marco.

GN solids control con la cantidad de producción de 150 conjuntos de centrífugas decantadoras cada año y 5000u zarandas cada mes se han vendido equipos a muchos clientes, e.g.:

   Arabia Saudita empresa de gestión de residuos de perforación,
     Irak empresa de control de sólidos,
     Irán compradores centrífuga decantadora,
     Australia empresa de perforación direccional horizontal

GN Shale Shaker Panels

Shale shaker screens produced of two or 3 layers of screen cloth of distinct mesh sizes present openings that cannot be quickly characterized. A strategy to describe these openings has been adopted by the API because the Recommended Practice for Designations of Shale Shaker Screens,API RP 13C. This advisable practice supersedes the second edition (1985) of API RP 13E, which was valid for only single-layer screens.
The new designation system was chosen to convey details on screen opening size distribution along with the ability of non-vibrating screens to pass fluid. Data for every in the following is legibly stamped on a tag attached towards the screen panel in such a way as to be visible immediately after the screen is installed on the shale shaker:
The designation is now referred to as an API quantity to ensure that the new designation will probably be far more rig-user friendly. Rig crews recognize although they might not really know the definition. The change is necessary, since the API Advised Practices had been converted to International Requirements Organization.
test the machine of GN shale shaker result:http://www.myprgenie.com/view-publication/shale-shaker-for-easy-operation-of-deck-angle-adjustment.
Fluid Systems is pleased to announce availability of API compliant shaker screens. Compliance means that Fluid Systems screens meet the American Petroleum Institute? new encouraged practice for shaker screen testing and labeling.

Cuatro decantador centrífuga exporta a África empresa de perforación

La gestión de residuos de perforación incluyen la gestión de residuos de lodo a base de agua y aceite basado en la gestión de residuos de lodo. Debido a la propiedad de los residuos es diferente, el equipo requerido es también diferente. Generalmente, se requiere alta-G zaranda de secado para la gestión de residuos de lodo a base de agua y no se requiere Vertical esquejes secadora para la gestión de los residuos de lodo a base de aceite. El líquido en esquejes será de aproximadamente 20% y 5% por separado.

En general, el contratista de perforación deberá alquilar el servicio de control de sólidos y Servicio de gestión de residuos de la empresa. Pero algunos contratista de perforación grande con muchos de los equipos de perforación de la tierra o en el mar jack hasta plataformas de perforación sería más bien para comprar el equipo y hacer el servicio por sí mismos.
Tenemos un cliente de África que compran Cuatro (4) Decanter Centrífuga para su servicio de control de sólidos. Los detalles de la centrifugadora de la siguiente manera:
Dos (2) GNLW363BG; decantador centrífugo de velocidad fija. Esto es centrífuga de alta velocidad, con 3200RPM/2500RPM;
Dos (2) nos GNLW363BG-VFD; Decantador centrífugo de velocidad variable. Esto es centrífuga de alta velocidad, con 0-3200 acelerar continuamente el modelo ajustable; Esto es igual a Derrick DE1000FHD Swaco 518HV.GNLW363BG También es mucho más profesional para la gestión de residuos de perforación. La centrífuga de alta velocidad puede separar los sólidos finos (5-7microns) a partir de los residuos líquidos de perforación o cortes de perforación perder fácilmente.
Vídeo: GN decantador centrífugo para el agua a base de lodo:

Decanter Centrifuge

Decanter Centrifuge utilised in Mud Recycling System,in the mud recycling program, the mud might be transferred from 1 Decanter Centrifuge gear to one particular a lot more for additional therapy. This transportation could be just about completed by the pump. One particular on the most well-liked applied pump may well be the centrifugal sort pump.

When layout the equipment inside the mud technique, in which strategy the Decanter Centrifuge pump will probably be utilised. Usually, there are four processing would make use of the drilling mud decanter centrifuge.

The initial a single particular is right immediately after the drilling mud decanter centrifuge finding treated by the Drilling Mud System Technique, the liquid mud need to be transfer towards the desander and desilter for second and third stage solids handle. The centrifugal pump functioned as a mud provide gear.

The second use is around the mud mixing tank, the Decanter Centrifuge is produced use of to suck mud from mixing tank just after which send back again for mud mixing and transferring. Right here, the Decanter Centrifuge can also be applied to provide the energy for the mud gun.

After mud mixing, the mud could possibly be pump back towards the nicely hole for reusing. The higher anxiety mud pump ordinarily has no suction function. The drilling mud decanter centrifuge might be utilised to supply the active mud to mud pump.

From time to time, for the deep effectively drilling, there could be a trip tank inside the mud recycling approach. When the time for taking out the drill pipe for altering, the mud stored inside the trip tank may very well be pump into the properly hone to stable the stress in hole and defend against collapse in the successfully wall.


GN Solids America could present Decanter Centrifuge with massive size and energy span, at the same time as the model is for horizontal layout, any request, welcome make get in touch with with with GN Solids Handle.

Zarandas, limpiador de lodo, decantador centrífugo, mallas de zarandas están listos para su envío a Latina América

La próxima semana el GN solids control enviará 4 unidades de zarandas, 1 unidad de centrífuga decantadora, 1 unidad de limpiador de lodo y 100 piezas de mallas están listos para su envío a Latina América. Esto es sólo un conjunto de equipos de sistema de control de sólidos, van a comprar más equipos en el futuro. El mes pasado, sólo hemos visto estos equipos en la OTC 2014, celebrada en Houston, TX, y obtener una gran cantidad de intereses de los contratistas de perforación en todo el mundo.

Este no es el primer envío GN solids America en Houston, nuestros equipos de control de sólidos son ampliamente utilizados en el sistema de perforación mercado de América. La mayor parte de nuestros equipos se utilizan para la perforación en tierra, pero a veces también se utiliza en alta mar.
GN produce zarandas, limpiador de lodo, decantador centrífugo se puede utilizar en todo tipo de perforación, incluyendo petróleo y gas de perforación vertical, perforación direccional, perforación direccional horizontal, perforación de base del diamante, etc.
Ahora GN solids control tiene 1 unidad de gran GNLW454 Bowl decantador centrífuga, 2 unidades de decantador centrífuga de alta velocidad, y 2 unidades de decantador centrífugo de velocidad variable para la venta, recepción para entrarnos en GN solids America.
A excepción de decantadores centrífugos, también tenemos tanques de lodo a la venta, 21 conjuntos de 400bbl tanques de lodo que pueden utilizarse como tanques de almacenamiento, y 1 conjunto de remolque montado 500gpm sistema de lodo podría ser utilizado para HDD y CBM. Bienvenido a ponerse en GN solids control para más información de las poblaciones.

Engineering & Real-Time Analysis

There are very rich oilfield in the Australian region, GN companies in the exploitation of oil has accumulated years of experience. Expertise and leading drilling technologies support every phase of well design, planning, and methods. The scope includes offset well analysis and elegance in the well, BHA, fluids systems, and understanding acquisition program to drilling performance monitoring and optimisation instantly.

Drilling Mud System Performance Services

Increase drilling efficiency, reduce NP, mitigate risk, and maximize daily footage, and keep wellbore stability and quality.

Drilling Engineering Services Drilling Optimization Services instantly

Improve treatments for pore pressure, hole cleaning, and wellbore stability through a mixture of predictive models and real-time data monitoring.

Pore Pressure Analysis Service    Cuttings Loading & Wellbore Stability Surveillance Service    Fluid Loss & Gain Recognition Service    Drilling Geomechanics Service

Increase reservoir contact and improve reservoir productivity with advanced formation evaluation technologies.

Make the most of fluid facies portrayal, early formation fluid composition information, isotope logging, and advanced lithological analysis of cuttings for enhanced well positioning.

Present an integrated atmosphere for geos

cience and drilling to collaborate, predict and manage pore pressure and wellbore stability, and dynamically simulate every facet of pressure control. For more introduction oil drilling, please log in GN’s official website here, GN will provide you with a comprehensive display of world-class oil drilling equipment.

Gn Screen Frames

GN product patented composite screen frames mix sturdiness, light weight and longer existence right into a cost-effective option to metal frames. Our patented GN product Decanter Centrifuge mix three different screen meshes to supply new amounts of efficiency, versatility and price-effectiveness.

The GN product composite screen frame includes a power grid produced from an amalgamated of high-strength plastic and glass, strengthened rich in-tensile-strength steel rods. Since these frames balance sturdiness with strength, they’re more effective transport systems than any steel frames. GN product shale shaker have greater through put capabilities and considerably longer operational lives. Since GN product frames won’t rust or delaminate, they may be used, saved and re-used.

Model for model, GN product frames weigh under all-steel frames. And they’ve an elevated open area, supplying a greater conductance rate. When in comparison to metal-frame screens, GN product screens have 16 to 27 percent more open area than comparable metal-frame screens.

GN product Screen Frames deliver a number of advantages over metal frame screens, including:

Longer frame existence means longer overall screen existence

Greater throughput rates further reduce operating costs by optimizing shaker performance

A range of mesh styles guarantees versatility for drilling a variety of formations

gn product provides a properly-defined separation efficiency

gn product triumphs over the blinding problems connected with sandstone

The difference between the site and the site is so big, I believe, GN’s website will give you a good impression.

Sistema de control de sólidos en Costa afuera

¿Qué equipos de un sistema de control de sólidos incluyen?

Zarandas, punto de separación de sólidos de perforación es superior a 100 micras;    Desgacificador, eliminar el gas de lodo de perforación;

  Limpiador de lodo, es la combinación de la separación de fases segunda con 10’’ conos 2 pcs Desarenador y la separación de fases tercera con 4’’ 12pcs Desarenador conos; Los puntos de separación de sólidos de perforación es de aproximadamente 40 a 70 mirons y de 15 a 40 micras para desarenador y desarenador por separado;

  Decantador centrifuga, punto de separación de sólidos de perforación es superior a 7 micras;

Tanques de lodos de perforación

A excepción de sistema de lodo plataforma de perforación mar adentro, GN Solids control también puede ofrecer sistema de lodo de perforación horizontal dirigida. Recientemente, tenemos la investigación de los clientes de Oriente Medio, lo que requiere el tratamiento de lodos de perforación de alta capacidad, pero sólo con un (1) juego de 20 pies el tamaño del contenedor de perforación del depósito de lodo. Después de la discusión con el equipo de ingeniería, ofrecemos una solución compacta a continuación con 180m3 / h (800gpm) tratar capactiy.This diseño compacto puede ahorrar mucho dinero para el contratista de HDD y también guardar la huella, así como respetuoso del medio ambiente.

GN Solids control siempre comprometida con uptimized soluciones con diseño compacto, menor costo, fácil mantenimiento y servicio post-venta rápido según el requisito del cliente con condiciones diferentes proyectos.

Drilling systems and fluids

Drilling systems and fluids almost any environment from deepwater to gnsolidsamerica machine built its reputation on engineering drilling fluid programs and additives that improve efficiencies, keep costs down and control model impact. We customize drilling fluid programs and associated additives to reduce model in the most demanding applications, including it, deepwater and depleted wells. USA Drilling Mud System is widely approved for developing solutions for downhole problems, about the simple to the complex. We are actually the first, for as an example, to introduce cost-effective and high efficiency micronized barite technology to water and oil-based drilling fluids.

A chief in solids control, we develop drilling fluid techniques for accurate applications, such as deepwater, shale gas and big oil extraction. Complementing our Drilling Mud System are specialized additives that optimize efficiencies by targeting performance-impacting downhole conditions increase costs.

The formulation of the base fluid and additives is targeted at the specific well construction application with the primary objectives of:

Maintaining wellbore stability.

Optimizing model and overall drilling efficiency

Maximizing production..

Cutting costs.

Drilling Fluids Techniques.

Solutions all those drilling applications.

Drilling Fluid Products.

Oil, synthetic and water-based additives that address all downhole problems.

Drilling Fluids Simulation Software.

Different companies produced solid control system will certainly be difference, so we strongly recommend that you choose GN device, its workmanship is very fine place, enough to make your eyes light up.