Equipment List for full solids manage & drilling waste management project

Solids Handle & drilling waste management are pretty important for drilling contractor. If they manage this division well, they can save lots of money on drilling mud / drilling chemicals, also they can be environmental friendly. There is much equipment needed for solids co ntrol & drilling waste management full projects. Hereunder is gear list.

Equipment list for total solids handle project

1) Shale shaker, shale shaker is working as first phase separation
2) Vacuum degasser, this gear work to remove the gas-cut air to keep the density of drilling mud to be stable.
3) desander, this is second phase separation
4) desilter, this is third phase separation. Desander and desilter can be make into one unit mud cleaner, it can get better treating result.
5) decanter centrifuge, this is working as fourth separation. To remove fine solids and keep the mud weight to be stable or recover the barite for reuse.
6) mud agitator, this is used on each mud tank, to mixing the drilling waste management to be suspending.
7) mud gun, this is matched with mud agitator, to clean and suspend the weight drilling chemicals
8) Mud tank, it can be divided into shale shaker tank, centrifuge tank, mixing tank, storage tank as per their main functions.

Equipment List for complete drilling waste management project

1) Screw conveyor, this is used for collection and transfer the drilling cuttings discharged from shale shaker & desander & desilter
2) Vertical cuttings dryer, this is used for OBM/SBM drilling cuttings first phase separation.
3) High speed decanter centrifuge, this is used for drilling waste second phase separation. To remove the fine solids from the drilling waste management.
4) TUD, to treat the drilling solids waste after treated by vertical cuttings dryer & decanter centrifuge
5£?Oil / water separator, to treat the drilling liquid waste after treated by vertical cuttings dryer & decanter centrifuge.

For further requirement on solids handle & waste management, pls contact GN Solids control Co., Ltd.

GN have also others about drilling waste management infor,refer to the links:

Intro associated with drilling waste management perform 

Predecessor Shaker in Direct Field Comparison










API shale shaker screens Q&A 1

We’ve identified the following label on screens on desiler unit:
120 mesh GN Solids America
Size 900×750 mm
We didn’t locate any labels or indicators on screens around the shale shaker so we are not confident what exactly is there. Please check at your engineering division and maybe they’ll confirm to you.
– what API number is for 120 mesh screens?
– What API number is for 40 mesh screen?
Please comment what does it imply 120 mesh? If this really is 120 mesh, what exactly is API number for these screens and what exactly is D100 separation value (in microns)? Please comment.
Really according our technologies, following derrick wiring tech, normally 40mesh is API40, 120mesh is API120, unless various screening technology is expected, can not generally reverse.
We ordered two various varieties of screens and received all screens the exact same (API 40, 394 microns). Please comment why we received not precisely the same screens as ordered by our organization. And please be so type and comment what does it imply API 40? If API 40, so what is a value of mesh ?
Pls refer the brochure right here

Shale Shaker

Screw Conveyor

Sistema de tratamiento de cortes de perforación

Aplicaciones de GN sistema de tratamiento de cortes de perforación

GN sistema de tratamiento de cortes de perforación se puede utilizar para tratar diversos tipos de cortes de perforación de sistema de control de sólidos del lodo de perforación, tales como recortes de perforación a base de aceite, recortes de perforación a base de agua, sintético basado corte de perforación.

Características de GN sistema de tratamiento de cortes de perforación

El sistema de procesamiento está incluyendo un secador de cortes verticales y un decantador centrífugo de control de sólidos, con control de frecuencia variable.

La centrífuga de control de sólidos es levantado por deslizamiento telescópico. Sólidos descargados directamente, como la altura de deslizamiento es más alta de lo normal tanque de almacenamiento de lodo de control de sólidos. Los fluidos limpios pueden ser encaminados para tanque de reciclaje del fango para su reutilización.

Hay un pequeño tanque de transición entre secador de esquejes y sólidos centrífuga de control. Todo el equipo, así como el depósito de transición montados en un gran patinazo. El deslizamiento puede ser la misma dimensión que contenedor de 40 pies, se puso el trailer de movimiento rápido.

Otro lado, el deslizamiento del tanque puede moverse menor que contenedor de 40 pies y se puso en un recipiente para el envío internacional.

Bentonite Recovery Unit for HDD Drilling Rigs

Bentonite, as a commonly utilised material in lots of industries, can also be important ingredient in drilling mud system,Due to the fact for an efficient drilling, bottom hole stress must be always less than formation stress so as to prevent kick.
In HDD drilling projects, it really is crucial to help keep the ambient soil about the drilling hole within a stable status, and lead the soil to recover quickly. As well as the aim to manage the consumption, intensity and lubricity of drilling liquid is crucial also. That’s why bentonite is introduced to HDD drilling course of action.But the consumption of bentonite is high-priced, to be able to save expense, it is actually greater to recovery the bentonite material along with the drilling mud for future drilling.
GN Solids Handle is capable of creating such Bentonite Recovery Mud Unit for HDD drilling rigs of various capacities, and optional levels of configurations.
Beneath bentonite recovery unit cited for the reference, which is a typical GN 200GPM program:
1. GN Mud tank and tank attachments like ladders and handrails, exact same dimension as 20ft container, easy to lift and transported.
2. GNZJ752D-4N double deck mud cleaner with desilter cones, for treating the drilling mud system with two stages of separation.
3. GNSLS25A-110 Jet mud mixer for adding chemical substances or further drilling supplies into drilling liquid.
4. GN50YZ50A-12 Submersible slurry pump for conveying mud from mud pit and feeding for decrease deck shaker.
5. GNSB4*3-11J for feeding desilter cones on the mud cleaner.
six. GNNJQ50-3G for both stirring the mud and for conveying.
7. Complete electric handle method for the whole technique.
That is essentially the most preferred HDD system of GN Solids Control, because it can meet the requirements of capacity from 100GPM to 200GPM, and get a satisfactory separation result.

Related post as below:


AMC s SRU VERSUS GN s Solids Elimination Device

GN solids creat numerous types of drilling mud system

Perforación de metano de carbón y perforación de base

Perforación de metano de carbón es una fuente no convencional de gas natural producido a partir del gas que reside en las capas de carbón. Pozos de perforación de metano de carbón son típicamente poco profundos (menos de 1.000 metros de profundidad total) y tienen una única cadena de revestimiento de superficie cementada en su lugar. Así que 500 GPM unidad de control de sólidos del lodo es muy popular para la perforación de metano de carbón.

La perforación de metano de carbón se realiza con equipos de perforación rotatorio y el núcleo. El tipo Dos de las plataformas de perforación tienen funciones diferentes. Aparejos rotatorios se utilizan para perforar y fijar la cubierta para pozos de producción de metano de carbón, y, junto con los ejercicios básicos, se utilizan para perforar los agujeros de largo perforados direccionalmente en las vetas de carbón de la que se extrae el gas de yacimientos de carbón metano.

Perforación de diamante-core corta un núcleo cilíndrico de roca sólida con una broca de diamante impregnados anular unida al extremo de una barra de taladro hueco. Los bits de diamante núcleos vienen en una variedad de tamaños: multa a los diamantes micro-fino de calidad industrial.

La relación de diamantes a metal usado en la matriz afecta al rendimiento de la capacidad de corte de los bits ‘en diferentes tipos de formaciones de roca. Los diamantes se establecen dentro de una matriz de dureza variable, de latón de acero de alto grado. La formación de roca, que debe ser cortado, verifica la dureza de la matriz y el tamaño de diamante. Brocas de acero duro con una baja relación de diamante se utilizan para la más suave muy fracturada roca mientras brocas de acero suave con una alta relación de diamante son buenos para la extracción de muestras de roca sólida duro. La broca tiene agujeros que permiten que el agua que se entregará a la cara de corte y esto sirve para tres funciones esenciales: la lubricación, enfriamiento y eliminación de los recortes de perforación del agujero. La capacidad es pequeña, pero la limpieza es muy importante para la reutilización del agua para la perforación de diamante.

GN Double Deck Shale Shaker and GN Double Deck Mud Cleaning System

As is known to all, for Mud Cleaning System handle, there is single deck shaker and double deck shaker. Considering the fact that Mud Cleaning System is combination of cyclones and shale shaker, on the initially glimpse, many people could consider the double deck mud cleaner is only double deck shale shaker equipped with desander and desilter cones.
The truth is, it truly is not the case. Even though the only distinction in between the GNZS double deck shale shaker and GNZJ mud cleaner appears only with or without having the desander and desilter cones, they really have distinct functioning process and distinctive paths for treated drilling mud.
1. GNZS double deck shale shaker. This shale shaker has two decks, each deck has three ea screens. Typical GN model is GNZS706. The screens on upper deck is significantly less fine than the reduce deck. So the mud comes straight for the upper deck for initially remedy, and comparatively bigger particles are separated out in this step. Then ,the drilling mud comes onto the finer and reduced deck screen for further separation.
two. GNZJ series double deck mud cleaner. In case of double deck mud cleaner, the Mud Cleaning System comes initially onto the reduce shaker for the very first stage therapy, since the shaker right here is regarded as the shale shaker. The Mud Cleaning System following this stage remedy falls for the tank. A centrifugal pump transfer the mud to desander and treated mud falls into another tank, then, a 2nd centrifugal pump transfer mud cleaner to desilter. Solids components treated out by both desander and desilter falls onto the upper deck shaker for drying. That is why the upper deck screen is finer than the lower deck.
As per customers’ specifications, GN Solids Manage has the ability to change the working procedure as outlined by the technical demand, web-site condition as well as the restricted space for maximum satisfy the finish user’s requests.

We have many about Mud Cleaning System related story,refer to the links address as below:

Separadores de gas por empresa de perforación en Canadá

Con el desarrollo de GN Solids Control de sucursal en Houston, TX. Productos GN Solids America ha sido conocido por más y más clientes del Norte de America en la perforación industry. Recently GN Solids America enviado 4 separadores de gas , a Canadá para la empresa de perforación en la provincia canada. Y GN también envió dos decantadores centrífugos para otra empresa Canada .

Con nuestro siguiente rápida y solutions.The Canada compañía de perforación competitiva rentable ordenado a los separadores de gas del lodo de GN Solids America en Houston.

Separador de gas del lodo se utiliza para la separación del gas desde el lodo de perforación de corte de gas. El tubo de entrada está conectado con el colector de calzo, y la salida se está conectado al equipo de control de sólidos primera fase, zaranda o tanque de lodo.

La línea de venteo de gas que normalmente se lleva a cabo a una zona remota de la quema por el dispositivo de encendido de bengalas.

Además el separador de gas del lodo, GN también producen los decantadores centrífugos de alta velocidad para otra empresa de perforación en Canadá para el cliente LGS separación.No ya ha comprado la unidad de pruebas el año pasado, después de mejoría operación de campo, repiten la orden para algunos más centrifugadoras, nos se calcular para el envío 4 centrifugadoras para el cliente cada 3 meses hasta cubrir los requisitos de los clientes 20 perforaciones rigs.The cliente ahorra costo utilizando centrifugadoras GN en lugar de alquiler de centrifugadoras.

GN Solids America a mantener un balance de un grupo de decantadores centrífugos en almacén Houston en venta opción para sus solustions ambientales o sólidos de control de limpieza de lodo projects.Give una llamada y tener el equipo de GN stock inmediatamente.


1500HP land drilling rig mud system

1500HP land drilling rig is frequently a oil and gas drilling rig. It’s also referred to as ZJ50 drilling rig. It is a relative important size drilling rig can drill to 5000m depth.
China major Drilling Mud System manufacturer, GN Solids Handle make customized Drilling Mud System for 1500hp land drilling rig. GN can give customized proposal per user? drilling situation and their request about the method.
International standard Drilling Mud System for 1500HP land drilling system
1) Linear motion Shale shaker GNZJ594E, 3 sets, equipped with distribution box to shear the mud equally for the three shakers.
two) Linear motion Mud cleaner GNZJ594E-3S16N, for the second and also the third stage solids handle separation. It is with important beneath flow shale shaker, interchangeable with 1st stage solids handle shale shaker.
three) Vacuum degasser GNZCQ360 right away following shale shaker and before mud cleaner.
4) Middle speed centrifuge for barite recovery. It is actually really the fourth stage separation.
5) Jet mud mixing process
6) Feed pump for desander, desilter, and centrifuge,and GN TBM Slurry Separation System for Tunneling Engineering
7) Shaker tank, centrifuge tank, suction tank, mixing tank, storage tank, and so forth?-
Some client may choose shear pump functioning with each other with mixing pump for shearing chemical substances.
For any other request, customers can contact GN international group for greater answer.

GN solids control vendió 1 conjunto de sistema completo de tanque de lodos para Europa y mallas zarandas para Oriente Medio

Leer más para GN sistema completo de tanque de lodos a Europa: el sistema de lodo completa plataforma de perforación 1000HP con el CE y el certificado Atex.

A excepción de centrífuga decantadora, GN también exportó muchas mallas de zarandas a Arabia Saudita a principios de este año. El cliente compra sobre 1000pcs Derrick  FLC 500 mallas. La mallas zarandas con puntos técnicos claves como abajo:   

Modelo de mallas zarandas:mallas de reemplazo para la marca EE.UU..    Número de malla de zarandas/ API 20 según API 400

Dimensión: 1050mm de largo y 695mm de ancho

    Material de la producción: SS304 o SS316L para la pantalla y el acero al carbono para el marco.

GN solids control con la cantidad de producción de 150 conjuntos de centrífugas decantadoras cada año y 5000u zarandas cada mes se han vendido equipos a muchos clientes, e.g.:

   Arabia Saudita empresa de gestión de residuos de perforación,
     Irak empresa de control de sólidos,
     Irán compradores centrífuga decantadora,
     Australia empresa de perforación direccional horizontal

GN Shale Shaker Panels

Shale shaker screens produced of two or 3 layers of screen cloth of distinct mesh sizes present openings that cannot be quickly characterized. A strategy to describe these openings has been adopted by the API because the Recommended Practice for Designations of Shale Shaker Screens,API RP 13C. This advisable practice supersedes the second edition (1985) of API RP 13E, which was valid for only single-layer screens.
The new designation system was chosen to convey details on screen opening size distribution along with the ability of non-vibrating screens to pass fluid. Data for every in the following is legibly stamped on a tag attached towards the screen panel in such a way as to be visible immediately after the screen is installed on the shale shaker:
The designation is now referred to as an API quantity to ensure that the new designation will probably be far more rig-user friendly. Rig crews recognize although they might not really know the definition. The change is necessary, since the API Advised Practices had been converted to International Requirements Organization.
test the machine of GN shale shaker result:
Fluid Systems is pleased to announce availability of API compliant shaker screens. Compliance means that Fluid Systems screens meet the American Petroleum Institute? new encouraged practice for shaker screen testing and labeling.