GN vertical cutting dryer lubrication system maintenance

YLS machine is continuously lubrication system. With Timer, it can also used for intermittent lubrication. The lubrication viscosity between 30 ~250 cSt, new lubricating oil is required
Spit pressure can be max. 15kgf/cm². To protect the system peripheral, relief valve is equipped to keep the stability of lubrication system. When the oil level goes down the min, the lubrication system will give Alarm signal, or stop the dryer via external controller.
adding oil: Open the cover and add the clean lubricating oil, to 80% in oil level, then cover it. Only GN appointed lubricating oil or equivalent oil can be used
oil pipe connection: Take the casing pie cap and casing pipe out, put it on the oil pipe. Then, insert the oil pipe into the connection to avoid oil leakage.tumblr_m5a7omfwgO1qmyjkk
installation of power and alarm: Loose the screw and take out the cover of wire, there is pressure signal and level signal underside. There is a fixed head to fix the cable nearby. Rotate out the fixed head and get the cable through. Push it into wire cover and then fix the cable.
Connect the pressure signal and level signal. When the level close to Min. level, the level signal will give alarm; when the oil pressure reach to 2.1 kgf/cm², the pressure signal breakover.After finish the connection, cover the cable, fix the fixed head. If all the connection iscorrect, the lubrication system will work.
Note: the pressure switch and level switch is not ex-proof. Customer can do some actions to make it ex-proof.
pressure adjustment: Loose the screw of adjustment valve, (EX-works 15kgf/cm²), switch on the power. When the oil flow out 5~10s, then tighten the adjustment valve

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