GN Solids Control participates inside
centrifuge tender in May this year. After competing compared to other China
brands & US ALL brands, like Derrick centrifuge, Swaco
Centrifuge, Brandt Centrifuges, GN Solids Control
Centrifuge win the tender. That year lower oil value, every company is
affected by the situation and they tend to select more cost-effective products.
After 3-4 months tender period, they pick GN Solids Control brand name and give
this right to your oil service company. The local essential oil service company
came to China, checking out our company and releasing obtain in Oct, 2015. This
may not be big order for our corporation, but repeatedly helps to confirm the
quality and reasonable tariff of GN Solids Control gear.
The new order of 2 value packs GNLW363CG-VFD centrifuges including beneath

1) 2 units GNLW363CG-VFD centrifuges, high speed stepless adjustment from 0 to
be able to 3200rpm. The centrifuge can be used for solids control software.
When recovery barite, the consumer can put it around 1800RPM; when cut mud
excess weight, the user can put it all-around 2500RPM; When remove quite fine
solids, the user may put it around 3000RPM.
2) 4 sets screw send. 2 sets pump regarding feeding centrifuges, another a
couple of sets screw pump to get backup. At drilling internet site, time is
money. Along with backup solutions, this can be assurance and save a lots with
regard to drilling.
3) 1 year replacement parts for 2 sets centrifuge along with 2 sets screw pump
motor. Spare parts is also very important with regard to centrifuge operation.
It is better order it together when obtain equipment. Spare parts purchased on
their own may lead to high extra bear cost or project suspending.
Except for this two models VFD centrifuges, the end consumer is considering
more get of GNLW363CG high speed and also fixed speed centrifuges, Up and down
cuttings dryer, cuttings renforcement units etc .
From the year of 2007, GN Solids Control arrived to solids control & drilling
waste management equipment company field. During past main years, GN Solids
Command committed herself to top quality products and reasonable price, for you
to compete with US / Eu solids control brands. And now we achieved very good
results, major project as below:
1) Baker Hughes big purchaser: 4 sets centrifuges and also vertical
cuttings dryer to get Baker Hughes, the US models big oil Service Company
2) Halliburton big buyer: several sets centrifuges & two shale
shakers & one sets liquid mud grow system (with 4 major mud tanks) for
Halliburton, the US brands oil service provider.
3) CNPC and Sinopec: Because of new regulations GN supplied over 40 DWM system
to China sector from middle of 2014 to Middle of 2015, GN is the leading
Supplier regarding DWM
4) CPP huge buyer: over 30 value packs 500gpm mud system with past 3-5 years
regarding CPP, China largest HARD DISK DRIVE contractor.
For more info, could you contact us – GN Solids Control sales team to get
better assist
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